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Deciding What Matters Most In A Litigious Divorce?

If you pay attention to popular culture, you may think that divorces are always stressful and frustrating from start to finish, even when the couple mutually agrees to end the marriage politely. If your wedding is already arguable, divorce can bring the relief you need, but the actual procedure will almost certainly be complicated. Your future ex-spouse may be angry and may even believe the reason the marriage failed is because of you.

family lawyer in Ottawa

To reduce stress and anxiety – a contentious split can bring – you need to decide what aspects of the divorce matter most to you and your family member, especially if your children. Although your Ottawa divorce lawyer and the courts will ensure you get an equal share of marital assets, other aspects of the separation can be essential.

If you are considering a divorce, it is essential to understand where you experience a problem in your proceedings. Here are three the most contentious aspect of divorce cases.

Child Custody

When you and your married couple decide on child support, the paying party is mostly expected to send money every month until the child turns 18. As you can imagine, this extended length of payment makes the risks high. Depending on the age of your children during divorce, there might be hundred of months before your children become adults. Besides, certain factors can increase that monthly payment significantly, making this term even more contentious. You can hire an experienced family law lawyer in Ottawa for child custody.


Everything we need about child support applies to alimony too. But why? This is because one party is required to pay the agreed-upon amount over and over again for many years; couples often argue heavily about the sum. An additional factor that makes this term so aggressive is that the money is not designated to the children. The result is that the paying party is especially unhappy as they feel their ex is getting all of the benefits. So, make sure you hire an experienced family law lawyer in Ottawa for alimony.

Splitting Physical Assets

While often aggressive, divorce dollar amounts and deciding on monthly payments are straightforward processes. When it comes to physical assets, negotiations become more complicated. Instead, both parties feel emotionally attached to their shared possessions and deciding who gets what a complex process is. The most common issues in this category are usually high-value items like houses and cars. Splitting assets is an area where both parties need to stay in controlling their emotions to prevent negotiations from getting out of control.

So, these are three contentious aspects of divorce cases that you should consider before filing for a divorce. Each person can have different ideas of what things will matter most when you are experiencing through a contentious divorce. After identifying these things, your Ottawa divorce lawyer navigates your divorce proceedings to deal with what matters most to you.

Get In Touch With FMLPC For A Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering a divorce, you should know where you may hit a problem in your proceedings. Child support, alimony, and physical assets are the most likely to cause hassles when you are going through a divorce process. That’s why getting in touch with FMLPC will do wonder for your case. Are you in a contentious marriage and ready to start divorce proceedings? Contract us at (613) 257-7772 today to hire an experienced family law lawyer in Ottawa for representing your case in court.
